Saturday, April 19, 2008

If you could choose the manner of your death how would you like it to happen !?

Paragraph writing - type 2

As I don`t like to witness the process of dying through any sickness or accident I`d rather die when I`m asleep. Being sick especially for a long period of time is so hard and painful. Also you may cause a painstaking effort to people around you through your illness. On the other hand, dying in accidents sounds very terrifying. The worst part of it is that you are conscious of dying. Then, the body becomes deformed and there comes the problem of identifying the body. And the most important factor that I don`t like to die in an accident is that one doesn`t necessarily die in an accident and becoming handicapped is at times worst than dying. So dying while you are asleep may feel more peaceful and painless.

129 words

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



The motivation that leads a person to write an autobiography may differ in various people. Whether a person is asked to write an autobiography or he himself is eager to write it can also affect its quality.
I was born on 9th of October 1968 in Tehran, in an Armenian family. I am the older sister of a thoughtful brother. Being brought up by a kind, sociable, helpful and sympathetic mother and a smart, responsible, well-diciplined, strict but humorous father I have somehow inherited a bit of all these characteristics.
My first step in the field of education was taken in a kindergarten at the age of 4. Then, at the age of five I started to learn English. I had a private teacher who was more like a grandmother. She was a very kind and patient lady.
I attended Gulbengian primary school. I was about to finish my primary school when the Islamic revolution took place and I had to change my school. So I spent the next two years in Arax secondary school. There I met one of my best friends who taught me the meaning of friendship with all of its aspects. At the same time I was attending an Armenian art club. I had an instructor there who used to teach us art. But what she taught me was beyond that. She was a very strict person in her profession and at the same time she was able to give love. She taught me “ to see “ everything around me and not just “ look “ at things. She let me experience the sensation of being rejected. I learned that asking for apology should not sound that difficult to a person. Her influence on me was so great that I would`ve been a different person, had I not met her.
During mid 80`s it was time for me to experience sorrow. Both my best friend and my instructor left Iran for good. My other friend died of a car accident and I was left alone.
I used to be a good student through the school years. But these events coincided with my final exams of the last year in high school.
Though I passed but my marks were not satisfactory at all and as a result I didn`t pass the entrance exam of the university. Then it was late in that summer when one of our neighbors suggested me to apply for a job in the kindergarten, where she used to work as a teacher.
The offer sounded quite interesting. So I applied and got the job. At the same time one of my friends told me that she had an extra registration form for the Iran Language Institute. I took the opportunity and continued learning English at the ILI.
This was somehow a turning point for me. I had lost many valuable things but these two new fields were great motivation for me to continue life! Children were giving me energy to flourish my instinctive love toward language.
At that time only those students who had studied social science in high school could choose language as a major in the university. Despite my father`s great encouragement for attending university I believed that my purpose was learning language and that was what I was getting at the ILI. Therefore I was not feeling the need to have a higher degree.
In 1991 I married. And at the same time one of the teachers at the ILI, who knew I was teaching in a kindergarten, and to whom I owe a lot, offered me to take part in the T.T.C of the ILI Young Adults department. This was a newly established department in the ILI at that time and they were in need of people with a satisfactory knowledge of English and interest in children and young adults.
The suggestion was quite fascinating and it would be an honor for me if I managed to pass the exam. The problem was that I was not sure I was capable enough to become an English teacher. My teacher encouraged me a lot . She reminded me of my teacher like attitude and pushed me to take part in the course.
Well, I took part in the exam and I made it! Becoming an English teacher was very challenging and made me continue my studies. Therefore I took part in F.C.E classes and got my First certificate from Cambridge University. I took part in C.P.E classes as well but didn`t continue because the classes weren`t held anymore.
A new phase of life began in 2000 when my daughter was born. Becoming a mother was so pleasant and I had to change my life style to some extent.
Throughout my life my father acted as a reminder and he kept on reminding me of not attending the university. And finally in 2006 I took part in the entrance exam and just at the time when my little daughter became a first grader in the elementary school, her mother became a first grader at the university. Now we are both studying.
You know… once I saw on a bulletin board “ This life is a test. It`s only a test. Had it been an actual life you would have received further instructions on where to go and what to do! ” Now I am curious to see what grade I can get at the end of this test.