Saturday, April 19, 2008

If you could choose the manner of your death how would you like it to happen !?

Paragraph writing - type 2

As I don`t like to witness the process of dying through any sickness or accident I`d rather die when I`m asleep. Being sick especially for a long period of time is so hard and painful. Also you may cause a painstaking effort to people around you through your illness. On the other hand, dying in accidents sounds very terrifying. The worst part of it is that you are conscious of dying. Then, the body becomes deformed and there comes the problem of identifying the body. And the most important factor that I don`t like to die in an accident is that one doesn`t necessarily die in an accident and becoming handicapped is at times worst than dying. So dying while you are asleep may feel more peaceful and painless.

129 words


Anonymous said...

by the way why do you want to die???????????

PANTEA said...

please update your blog!!!!!!!!!
i love your reading but please update your blog:D:

Anonymous said...

I love you as much as my mother.
I want to be in contact with you.
Please let me know.
Your student :Mohsen Dogoharani,TTC in the summer of 95,young learners

Mohsen said...

Mohsen Dogoharani